Welcome to Year 3

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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3

Year 3 is where children begin their journey into KS2 and as well as working hard, we make sure to have a fun year filled with exciting opportunities for the children to display our school values and have an amazing year! 
Our topics in year 3 are The Stone Age, The UK and Ancient Greece. These topics are so interesting and the children will love all of the things we have in store! 
In order to reach their full potential and be the ‘best they can be’, we ask that the children read at least 3x per week at home, complete any homework set and practice their weekly spellings regularly. 
In year 3, we believe that a growth mindset is key and that we need to make mistakes in order to learn. As long as you try your best and give everything 100%, you will do amazingly! 

Year 3 Curriculum Map

Spring Newsletter 2025