Our Pledge
While your child is at Billingham South we will:
- Keep them safe and support you in keeping them safe.
- Prepare them well for the next step in their learning and help them make at least expected progress.
- Teach them an exciting curriculum in stimulating learning environments.
- Give them the opportunity to learn the values of happiness, courage, resilience, responsibility and quality.
- Encourage excellent behaviour with consistent approach for each child.
- Look after your child’s emotional well being.
- Ensure you are well informed about your child’s learning, progress and behaviour.

- Give them the opportunity to perform in the arts and sports.
- Give them plenty of opportunity to learn outdoor skills and gardening.
- Give them as much opportunity as possible to learn to swim 25 metres and learn to ride a bike.
- Identify and provide support with Special Educational Needs as early as possible.
- Ensure an inclusive approach for children in our EMS classes including the opportunity for integration or a “Preparation for Adulthood” curriculum.
- Encourage them to take risks in challenging but secure settings.