Secret Pupil
World Book Day
This year’s “World Book Day” was absolutely AMAZING! In our class, we read brilliant stories like “Dumbo” and “Rose Blanch”. All the books we read were really good but personally my favourite was “Rose Blanch”. “Rose Blanch” is a book about a young German girl and her point of view about a war. At playtime, it was funny to see all the children running around in their pyjamas and having to take their top layer off because they were so hot.If we were on school dinners, we got a special WBD cake as a treat for dessert.
I hope WBD is as good next year! HH 12/3/20
Animal Story
On Tuesday 4th of March a wonderful animal expert called Martin Pinto from “Animal Story” came in to talk and show us some animals. These included: the milk snake, a Norwegian dwarf rabbit and a tarantula! 5K went to the science room. Martin was there and told us that the workshop was about life cycles. He let us hold the animals – all except the tarantula because it could flick hairs and give you a rash. My absolute favourites were the rabbit and the owl. He got out a millipede and it felt like Velcro. There were two stick insects as well. When I held them, they were crawling up my arm. Overall it was amazing and I hope it happens again. HN 12/3/20
Child Friendly Anti-Bullying Policy
At our school, we have two policies relating to bullying. One is written mainly for adults Ithe Peer on Peer Abuse Policy) and the other is or Child Friendly Anti-Bullying Policy. I asked our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors, Mrs Elcoat: “What are the differences between the two policies?” The response given was, “Ours (the child friendly version) is meant for children, it is simplified so a child can pick it up and understand it”. I asked the same question to our Head Teacher, Mr Squire an his response was, “The adult version is longer and has more detail, it uses the term abuse and refersmore to the law around peer on peer abuse”. All the children are happy to have a Child Friendly Anti Bullying Policy. HN 2/3/20
Captain Cook’s Museum
On the 25th February (also known as Pancake Day), the Y5 children went to Captain Cook’s Museum. All the children enjoyed it so much and learned so many new things. We did coffee staining on some paper, writing with quills, tracing and lots more! The staff were very nice and called: Jennie, Fran and Hannah. We learned all about Captain Cook’s voyages and how he was the first person to travel to the border of the Artic and Antartic. All of the Y5 children are happy to have visited Captain Cook’s Museum. HN 26/2/20

First Thing Music
At Billingham South Community Primary School we do a lot of fun activities and this is one of them………
This week, we have had the BBC in to film a short teacher training film based on “First Thing Music” which is inspired by the Kodaly method. The “First Thing Music” programme allows for a number of Key Stage One children to do some short singing lessons to get them focused for the day.There are a lot of short interactive songs and rhymes including “Early in the Morning”, “Copycat” and lots more. Our school are very thankful to have had the BBC in to film their Teacher Training segment and we hope to have them in again soon. HN