School Organisation
Early Years Foundation Stage/ Year One
Our EYFS consists of a Nursery with places for 65 children attending on a program of four different options and two reception classes where the maximum class size is 30.
We have three teachers operating in EYFS and a number of teaching assistants who are “key workers” attached to specific children. A team leader is in charge of this part of school.

Key Stage One and Two
The rest of our school is divided into two teams: Middle School which consists of Year Two, Year Three and Year Four children and Upper School for Year Five and Year Six children. Each team has a team leader who is in charge of that part of school.
There are two classes in each year group. Each class has a class teacher with at least one teaching assistant assigned to each year group. Teaching assistants are also used to support interventions across school that take place at assembly times.
Enhanced Mainstream Schools
Our EMS is part of an LA funded enhanced school providing tailored support for children who have cognition and learning difficulties and/or physical and medical need. The unit provides support for children across Key Stage One and Key Stage Two. We also have an EMS for children with Physical and Medical Needs. Children in this EMS access inclusion but our EMS Leader and a Medical Officer manage the provision of any additional need.