Behaviour Management
At Billingham South Community Primary School we offer an attachment aware trauma informed behaviour policy. We believe that good behaviour is a crucial factor in educational success. We encourage children to take responsibility for their own actions and make good choices. We aim to show them that all the choices they make about their behaviour have consequences.
Rewards for good behaviour include: Receiving praise from a member of staff; stickers; Marvellous Me; sharing work with another member of staff; a certificate in celebration assembly, texts to parents and postcards sent home.
Sanctions for poor behaviour proceed down the list below. The order of the list may change depending on the severity of the incident or depending on the child requiring a more rigorous behaviour plan.
- Reminder of the rules
- Warning to make better choices
- Isolation from the rest of the class on a table within the classroom
- Losing playtime to continue classroom work
- Sent to another classroom with work
- Phone call from DHT/HT to parents to seek support with child’s behaviour.
School always seek the support of parents in dealing with poor behaviour choices. Initially this may take the form of a quick word at the end of school or a phone call. However, in certain circumstances a meeting between the school and parents may be necessary. Further sanctions, such as exclusion, can be found on our anti-bullying and behaviour policy.