Admission Arrangements
If you are considering sending your children to Billingham South Community Primary School you should contact the school office to arrange an appointment. Mr Squire will be pleased to meet with you, conduct you on a tour of the school and answer any questions you may have.
Mr Squire and Mrs Hendy can be contacted on the phone, via email or through a direct appointment made at the school office.
We have two formal open evenings each year when you can discuss your child’s progress with their teacher. At these meetings you will receive a mini-report about your child’s progress. At the end of the academic year, you will receive a full report on your child’s progress. Prior to any children starting in our Nursery or Reception class, we hold meetings for parents so they can receive any relevant information.
If you would like to meet with a class teacher for any reason, please contact one of the adults on our entrances. Alternatively, please phone or visit the school office. We will ensure you get a prompt response.
Please Note- It is essential that we have 3 current contact phone numbers so that in the case of any emergency we are guaranteed of being able to contact you. Therefore, please ensure that when you change your mobile phone, you provide school with the new number.
For your child’s health and safety school should be able to contact someone on this list at all times.
Admission to School
Our admissions procedure is in-line with Stockton Borough Council policy. Children of school age will receive information from the local authority. Any child whose fifth birthday falls between 1st September and 31st August during this academic year may be admitted full-time to a Reception class. Further information and guidance on admission to full-time education can be accessed through Stockton Borough Council’s website. Please refer to the link below.
Admission to Nursery
Our Nursery operates a flexible 15 hour provision for children at the age of three years. As detailed in the “School Hours” section of this brochure, four options are available for Nursery provision according to availability. Visits to look around our Nursery are encouraged and applications must be made direct to the school office. Once your application has been received, your child will go on our waiting list.
A place in our Nursery does not guarantee a place in our Reception class when your child reaches school age. You must still complete an admission pack, which you will receive from Stockton Borough Council.
Stockton Borough Council – Admissions
Education Dept, Municipal Buildings, Church Road, Stockton, TS18 1XE Tel: 01642 393939 or click on the link below for more information.
Secondary Admissions
For information about secondary school admission procedures, please click on the link below.