About Us
Our school was built in 1930 and consists of two main sections, one for children from Nursery to the end of Year Two and one for children from Year Three to Year Six.
We are an Enhanced Mainstream School and have 10 places in a specialist class for children who have Cognition and Learning Needs and 10 places in our mainstream classes for children with Physical and Medical Needs. Places in our EMS are awarded by Stockton’s SEND panels and not through application to school.
We have a large site surrounded by purpose built playgrounds, playing fields, inner garden areas, a purpose built Early Years play area, an organic garden and a school pond.

Wheelchair access is provided through purpose-built ramps and automatic doors throughout the building. The school has sixteen classrooms including a nursery and our SB/IAC. We also have a stunning ICT suite with state of the art computers and an ipad for each child. We also have a specialised science room/kitchen and library.
We are committed to our children’s Health and Well Being. To assist with this we have a play therapy room and school counsellor and an Occupational Therapy suite with a full time OT teaching assistant who works on programmes designed by Future Steps.
The school is well supported by its Governing Body and by our “Friends of Billingham South” parents and teachers group. We are always looking to develop close community links and have very successful partnerships with Stockton International Riverside Festival, Billingham Environmental Link Project, Billingham International Folklore Festival and many other local community projects and events.