Wrap Around Care
Here at Billingham South Community Primary School, we provide childcare before school (Early Birds) and after school (Night Owls) for Reception to Y6 pupils. We offer a safe, secure and friendly environment in which children can enjoy breakfast and a calm play environment. If you would like your child to attend either provision, please call the school office and we will be happy to assist. Your child’s name will go on the waiting list and you will be contacted when a space becomes available. All of our wrap around care staff are DBS checked and we have a first aid trained member of staff on duty at all times.
Please see below for payment details –
EARLY BIRDS £3.00 per child per session. Price includes one hour childcare (7:30am – 8:30am) Breakfast will also be provided.
NIGHT OWLS £5.00 price per child per session. Price includes two hours childcare (3:20pm – 5:30pm) Please provide a snack for your child.
SIBLINGS: If you have two or more children attending either provision, the youngest sibling will be charged at a reduced rate of £2.50 per session for Early Birds and £4.50 per session for Night Owls.